Season 8 Artists

Alycia Dias

Alycia Dias

Alycia Dias quickly establishes herself as a vibrant and versatile artist with a vibe that screams stardom! As a live performer the energy she brings along with her is infectious and reflective of her years of singing in the church choir from the tiny age of 5 years.

An entertainer to the core, Dias started her career as a playback singer for the original soundtracks of Pakistani dramas. Citing Celine Dion as her ultimate inspiration, she’s had no formal training and gets along with the help of a few vocal exercises on a regular basis.

At the moment working on recording an album with Mubashir Admani, that comprises a mixture of pop, funk and jazz tunes – her debut in Coke Studio, Season 8, a duet with Siege will charm the audience with a yearning to continue listening to her for a very long time!