Season 8 Artists

Islamuddin Meer

Islamuddin Meer

Islamuddin Meer’s earliest music inkling appeared when he started playing the harmonium under the guidance of his brother-in-law, Ustad Nathu Khan. His father, Ustad Noor Khan, the renowned Sarangi player was the foundation for his knowledge of classical music.

Playing violin for over twenty years, Islamuddin was associated with Radio Pakistan as a violinist from 1969 to 1979. Recording tracks for Lollywood, and performing internationally as a violinist, he has contributed to songs of artists such as Nazar Hussain, Hamid Hussain, Ustad Kabir Khan, and Ustad Ghulam Mohiuddin Khan.

Currently part of the ensemble, Tarz Group, Islamuddin Meer will be seen performing alongside the house band on Coke Studio this year in Season 8.